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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The difference b/w Brattleboro and Winooski

This doesn't have much to do with blogging, but I wanted to point it out. Cornelius Van Ness over at Politics VT posts this headline: "Four Seek Vacant Selectboard Seat". Couple weeks ago, one of our four Winooski city councillors resigned — oddly, two weeks after he was re-elected — and the Council will now have to appoint someone. At a City Council meeting last week, councillors and the City Manager said, let's do personal interviews, in addition to getting letters of interest, but only "if we get more than one applicant."

Both of our city councillors who ran for re-election this month were unopposed.
If they get more than one applicant, shouldn't they hold an election? We're having one for the city/school budget anyway. I'd feel better as a resident knowing the new counselor was democratically elected rather than appointed.
Hey Cathy,
finally found my way to your blog. Cool. Winooski needs this and the Eagle or no one will even know that no one is steering the ship.
Clearly I need to have a Winooski issues blog. But first things first--gotta stablize the print paper.
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