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Friday, March 25, 2005

JSC Community Journo Day

Blogging sort of live from Johnson. There's no wi-fi here. I logged on from a computer in one of the labs (using Firefox, yay!). Update to follow. I'm sitting next to Brian Brown from iBurlington.

update: Most of what I have to say about this conference can wait, but I feel a pressing need to pass one thing on right now. Check out the website for The County Courier in Franklin County. Editor Ethan Dezotelle was on this morning's panel. They have RSS feeds, and have enabled reader comments on their stories. In other words, they're ahead of us at Seven Days. I was impressed with Dezotelle. He really seems to get this tech stuff. And he's only 30. Did I mention that I'm 30, too? Still taking birthday wishes on the post below.
Hi Cathy. I just posted a story about the conference. Here it is:
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